New Technologies and the Need for New Law Enforcement Capabilities

Situational analysis in North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

  • Kristina Doda Institute for Human Rights
  • Aleksandar Vanchoski Institute for Human Rights
Keywords: Serbia, Montenegro, innovation, technologies, North Macedonia


Introduction of new IT hardware and software tools has a fearsome dynamic and is directly shaping the overall
human interactions and patterns of economic and social development. All actors in the society, including decision
makers, scientists, academia and civil society, must be aware that, when new technologies are developed,
which are capable of opening new dimensions of communication, transport or development, there must be
comprehensive evaluation not only of the positive effects but also of the potential negative side effects of these
new kinds of products and services which very easily could be used by individuals or groups for jeopardizing
citizens’ security and overall public safety. Furthermore, the implementation of new technologies by law enforcement agencies raises the question of proper implementation of human rights standards and legal accountability.
This analysis is also giving a short overview of the law enforcement capabilities regarding new technological
developments in three EU candidate countries: North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. These countries are
into EU accession process and they need to harmonize their national legislations with EU acquis and achieve full
interoperability with the EU agencies. Recommendations for improvement of the capabilities for adopting new
technologies and innovation in the day-to-day operational functioning of the police forces and law enforcement
agencies in these three EU candidate countries are also proposed at the end of this analysis.

How to Cite
Doda, K., & Vanchoski, A. (2018). New Technologies and the Need for New Law Enforcement Capabilities. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin, (4 SCE), 245-254. Retrieved from