The Internationalisation of Higher Police Education: Perspectives on the Cooperation between the EU and China

  • Monica den Boer


The aim of this paper is to set the scene for potential avenues of EU-Asia police training co-operation by mapping the following general issues:

  1. Is internationalisation of (higher) police education important in the light of transnational crime and safety issues, and if so, why?
  2. Which common trends and features can be discerned in higher education developments in Asia and Europe?
  3. What can higher police education systems in Asia and Europe potentially learn from each other and how could they co-operate?

The paper benefits from experience that was built through a multi-annual EU-China Police Training Project, which resulted in numerous recommendations for future co-operation, in particular concerning training, education, research and knowledge exchange.
Moreover, the paper will seek to identify differences and similarities between European and Asian higher education strategies, law enforcement professionals and higher education profiles in the era of international crime, as well mutual lessons that can be learnt. Finally, critical conditions are formulated for a joint law enforcement educational strategy between Europe and Asia.

How to Cite
den Boer, M. (2017). The Internationalisation of Higher Police Education: Perspectives on the Cooperation between the EU and China. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin, (3), 107-112. Retrieved from